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Coleman Electronics carries out building energy monitoring consultancy for numerous customers nationwide. Energy monitoring maintains the process of energy savings and is a principle component of energy management programmes. Key energy usage indicators highlight energy wastage and areas where cost savings should be captured. A continuous monitoring programme is the most efficient process available in which to manage these cost savings.

Energy monitoring provides a constant flow of data relating to consumption patterns and can be evaluated through energy monitoring software. Key consumption information is recorded, analysed and can determine future courses of action to take to minimise waste and make significant cost savings.

Future proofing energy savings can be made through the key data uncovered in an energy audit. Ongoing monitoring will determine building management planning decisions going forward. In some buildings lighting alone can account for over 50% of the daily energy costs. Building management should continuously monitor key energy consumption indicators and the most efficient options to tackle this wastage must be addressed with an efficient energy management plan.

Key Systems Monitored Onsite

  • Lighting
  • Electrical power
  • Plant power
  • LED versus conventional lighting
  • Power metering

Key data reported from monitoring

  • Upgrade programmes available identified
  • Applicable grants for energy saving changes highlighted
  • LED lighting versus conventional lighting cost savings recommended
  • Cost benefit analysis for new initiatives if implemented
  • Commercial energy report for business
  • Key energy providers most suitable for new partnerships identified
  • Key recommendations for future proofing energy efficiency

How monitoring operates

  • Digital meters are used to measure, analyse and control energy use
  • Digital device output is sent to a computer monitoring program
  • The program will in turn analyse the energy usage
  • Results are set against historical data
  • Once higher usage is detected the system takes appropriate measures to automatically reduce consumption

See SEAI website for promotional energy grants available:

Coleman electronics has trained team of engineers who specialise in energy monitoring. One of our highly experienced technical engineers will visit your site and advise you on energy monitoring best practise and a programme to maintain monitoring in your building ongoing.

Contact us on T: + 353 96 72858 or E: and one of our experienced technical engineers will make an appointment to inspect your buildings to advise you on energy monitoring best practise.

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