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Early Warning Fire Detection (Aspiration Systems)

Early warning fire detection systems are typically used in areas where no access is available for future maintenance.

ASD (aspiration) systems have the functionality to detect fires at a very early stages. This early detection can alert building management in advance of visible smouldering or even before an open fire occurs and most importantly before intense smoke can develop in an area.

Early detection is vital to high risk applications. Detecting a fire at the earliest possible opportunity can produce remarkable time advantages enabling a rapid response for building management. ASD is a high performance fire system that can detect fires with a thousand times more sensitivity than traditional point smoke detectors.

ADS System Operation

ASD systems continuously draw air samples from a monitored area through a circular pipe system fitted with air sampling holes at regular intervals. The airflow is then analysed for smoke particles and an alarm is raised if smoke is present. This is then linked to the site fire alarm system where the control panel goes into fire alarm mode. The system is reset when the smoke particles are gone.

Coleman electronics has installed and maintained Early Warning Fire Detection (Aspiration Systems) for numerous customers in recent years. We have extensive experience and knowledge built up in the area of early warning fire detection systems.

Coleman Electronics always utilise leading industry brands to ensure customers achieve optimum results from their installation or upgrade such as:

  • Vesda Xtralis
  • Wagner

Contact us on T: + 353 96 72858 or E: and one of our highly experienced team will carry out an inspection of your building and advise you on the most appropriate range of Early Warning Fire Detection solutions to meet your requirements.

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